//The Interview

The Interview

Erdem Bey   : Yes. You may let her.
Aslı                 : Hi, I am Aslı Vural.
Erdem Bey   : Hi, I am Erdem Önder. Welcome.
Aslı                 : We have talked on the phone. I’ve sent the application form for internship.
Erdem bey   : Yes, yes I remember. How are you? Are you fine?
Aslı                 : I am fine. Thank you. What about you?
Erdem           : I am fine too. Thank you. Your application is here. I was looking at it. I think you aren’t graduated, you are still studying.
Aslı                 : Yes, I’ll be graduated next year, but I want to land an internship this summer.
Erdem Bey   : Have you ever worked somewhere or done an internship before?
Aslı                 : No, I haven’t.
Erdem Bey   : Okay.  Why do you want to land an internship? I mean does the school want it, or would you like to do this?
Aslı                 : I would like to do it. I want to gain experience before I graduate.
Erdem Bey   : Very good.  Let me offer something to you. Would you like to drink coffee or tea?
Aslı                 : No, thank you so much.
Erdem Bey   : So, how many days can you work a week?
Aslı                 : I can work four or five days a week.
Erdem Bey   : We are working on Saturdays as well. Can you come on Saturdays?
Aslı                 : I can come on Saturday morning, but I can’t come in the afternoon. I have an English class.

Erdem Bey   : Ok, no problem. We can handle it.
Erdem Bey   : So which department would you like to work?
Aslı                 : I would like to work at finance department most; but it could be other departments as well.
Erdem Bey   : Well Aslı Hanım?* Accounting department is our busiest department. We need interns most there.  Is that ok with you? (*Hanım: Miss)
Aslı                 : Sure, no problem.
Erdem Bey   : But we can do like this;  you work at the accounting department for four days.  We can take you to the finance department for one day. Would it be ok?
Aslı                 : It would be great for me.
Erdem Bey   : Ok great. Do you have any question?
Aslı                 : What are your working hours?
Erdem Bey   : We are being at the office at 8 o’clock in the morning until 5 in the afternoon. Lunch break is between 12.30-13.30 o’clock in the noon. You may have your lunch either here or outside.
Aslı                 : Alright!  May I use the service bus to come to work?
Erdem Bey   : You may use it. Let me ask a question to you. When can you start working?
Aslı                 : Next week.
Erdem Bey   : Ok, it’s good. It was a good interview for me. Thank you. We’ll let you know. Ok?
Aslı                 : Thank you so much. Have a nice day.
Erdem Bey   : Have a nice day you too. Buyurun.

***You may read the related blog post below to understand linguistics context better.


2018-05-25T13:13:40+00:00 6 Mayıs 2018|


  1. Muhammed 7 Mayıs 2018 at 03:10 - Reply

    Great guys. Thank you guys. I am so greatful.

    • Ayşin Önder 7 Mayıs 2018 at 21:27 - Reply

      Thank you so much

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